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Website News: Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:08 am
by Vince T
For maintenance
And reinvisioning.
And stuff.

Ok, about all that ... It's been quiet about me and this project for quite a while. No new releases - neither TBP related or general XWA/XWAU stuff. Still I haven't been completely lazy and inactive. I've been somewhat active building or recreating my ships for the Space Engineers, currently available in the Steam Workshop.

In the process of doing so I have learned quite a few things about ship design in general and discovered quite a few design flaws or logical issues related to individual ships or their background info, which in some cases dates back to my teenage years. One's view on things does change over time. Hence I've been doing a lot of thinking with regards to the general TBP lore, going as far as to question the name "The Blue Phantom" alltogether.

So right now, I'm putting all this down into written form, bit by bit. This general overhaul may have varying effects on certain elements of this universe, its ships, characters, locationis and even history itself. For example a ship may receive a different name, stats or background information. In some cases I might also rescale it, change its looks or redesign it alltogether, in some rare cases a ship might be taken out completely or "replaced" with something completely different. I have temporarily closed down the TBP homepage safe for the download, contributor and disclaimer pages and have also started work ona fresh new website which will, for the first time ever, make use of a proper CMS to help me maintain the loads of information more effectively.

How long will this take? Heh you got me! Can't say! I have tons of info to put down and that's not even touching the models themselves. The new site is still in its alpha-phase, although I hope to release it as soon as possible.

Re: The Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:07 pm
by baggy101
Can you post a link to your space engineer ships please? Thankyou.

Re: The Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:45 pm
by Griffin
Hey, sounds like a HUGE project, good luck GT!

Still working on updating site since 2004 !

Re: The Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:27 am
by Vince T
Yeah, right now I‘m thinking of reducing the site to feature only the XWA and Space Engineers Builds and set up a wiki for all the background lore. I need more free time! Or a clone!

As for the SE-Links, I‘ll post it this evening. Or, better yet, add my steam workshop link to my signature.

Edit: Done, my steam workshop page is now in the signature :D

Re: The Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:44 am
by Vince T
Ok got a small update on things:
I‘ve set up a wiki and am currently filling it with content.
The my bluephantom home page will eventually cease to exist snd the link will instead redirect to the wiki.
The TBP-related OPTs will be moved to my VXHQ homepage, which will act as central hub for all my game content releases and WIPs.

For the future I plan on re-releasing some of the TBP models with stats and info altered to match the new ‚canon‘. In some cases the models themselves will have their size updated (e.g. Raptor Frigate will be scaled down from 600m to about 400m). Some re-releases will go further but I‘ll get to that at a later point.

I will update my signature to add the Wiki link as soon as I‘ve got a solid stock of content ready, so dtay tuned!

Re: The Blue Phantom Project closing down

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:23 am
by Griffin
Interesting plan! I didn't even know about the Steam Workshop, looks very nice.